Character Illustration

Supercell Graphics
Graphic Design, Illustration


Children's Book Illustration 1, Ambush
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Tortoise and Tolver. Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop. Society of Illustrator's Los Angeles
Character Design, Illustration

Children's Book Illustration, 2, Carpe Diem
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Carpé diem. . Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop. Society of Illustrator's Los Angeles
Character Design, Illustration

Children's Book Illustration, 3, Slow Day
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Slow Day. Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop.
Character Design, Illustration

Children's Book Illustration 4, Self-Regard
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Tortoise and Tolver. Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop. Society of Illustrator's Los Angeles
Character Design, Illustration

Children's Book Illustration, 5 Hunger
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Famished. Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop. Society of Illustrator's Los Angeles
Character Design, Illustration

Children's Book Illustration, 6 Misplaced Aggression
Graduate Thesis children's book illustration. Hacking through flytraps. Prismacolor on Watercolor Paper and Photoshop. Society of Illustrator's Los Angeles
Character Design, Illustration

Character Art: Narrative
Final production painting with in Game Characters--A final distillation of our style and colors for characters and worlds. Layout and character designs by Katri Valkamo and Stefano Moroni. Production painting by me. All work is copyright Goodgame Studios, Altigi GmbH. used with permission here.
Art Direction, Digital Art, Illustration

Sparky and company spot illustrations
Spot illustrations of Sparky (and friends) done by me for various interstitial works throughout the game. Painting done by me with character and scenic reference from Katri Valkamo and Raimundo Pousada
Art Direction, Illustration, Digital Art

Fashions for Fairies
Fashion Illustrations done in Vector for Disney Fairies Pixie Hollow
Digital Art, Fashion, Illustration

Puffle Wild, Illustration, UI/UX supervision
Illustration and Creative direction on Club Penguin's puffle wild app
Art Direction, Illustration, Interaction Design

Vector Illustrations and Design, UI/UX Integration
Vector "Hero Shot" Illustrations created for the world of Cars Online, Integrated with Graphic Design Layouts
Digital Art, Graphic Design, Illustration