Original "fairy couture" for the Queens boutique--among Pixie Hollow's first and most profitable foray into microtransactions instead of the subscriptions only model. Created with Illustrator and Flash CS5. Art Direction Tammy Manis.

Vector Construction on the "fairy Coutoure" dresses pictured above. Images were created in Illustrator to be scalable for their various uses without any image aliasing.

Original "fairy couture" for the Queens boutique--among Pixie Hollow's first and most profitable foray into microtransactions instead of the subscriptions only model. Created with Illustrator and Flash CS5. Art Direction Tammy Manis.

Original "fairy couture" for the Queens boutique--among Pixie Hollow's first and most profitable foray into microtransactions instead of the subscriptions only model. Created with Illustrator and Flash CS5. Art Direction Tammy Manis.

More Fairy Couture. A personal favorite--a sari. Art Direction by Amy Kalson.

More Fairy Couture. This was based on the franchise outfit for the Minister of Summer--same design a few sizes smaller than more "volumnuous" gown of the Ministerl Art Direction Amy Kalson

Internal Demo done on "fairy couture" for the Queens boutique--I was demonstrating to fellow employees how we created dresses based on style guide reference from the Tinkerbell franchise and inspiration from modern designers. Created with Illustrator and Flash CS5. Art Direction Tammy Manis.

Vector outfits for Tinkerbell in various Seasons, done in Illustrator and Fllash CS5 based on the designs from Disney Toon Studios. Done in Grayscale so players could custom dye their outfits. Art Directed by Anthony Licon.

Vector versions of Pixie Hollow franchise characters created by me in Illustrator CS5 and Flash CS5. These are costumes and faces created to work with PH’s in-game fairy mannequins so famous fairies can fly among the players in the MMO. The “missing” arms, hands, or necks are pieces supplied by the generic fairy mannequin. Original Designs by Disney Toon Studios and Disney Publishing. Art direction Anthony Licon

Vector versions of Pixie Hollow franchise characters created by me in Illustrator CS5 and Flash CS5. These are costumes and faces created to work with PH’s in-game fairy mannequins so famous fairies can fly among the players in the MMO. The “missing” arms, hands, or necks are pieces supplied by the generic fairy mannequin. Original Designs by Disney Toon Studios and Disney Publishing. Art direction Anthony Licon

Vector versions of Pixie Hollow franchise character outfits and NPC characters created by me in Illustrator CS5 and Flash CS5. These are costumes and faces created to work with PH’s in-game fairy mannequins so famous fairies can fly among the players in the MMO. The “missing” arms, hands, or necks are pieces supplied by the generic fairy mannequin. Original Designs by Disney Toon Studios and Disney Publishing. Original Sparrow man costume designs by me. Art direction Anthony Licon

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique, based on the Minister of Winter. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique, based on the minister of Spring. Art Directed by Tammy Manis

Bestseller couture gown for the Queen's Boutique. Art Directed by Tammy Manis